Display of broadsides and art at recent launch of Michelle’s book of poetry, Root of Light, at the Vernon Museum.
Photo: Kristin Froneman
poetry broadsides are a combination of image and words. Mostly, I have paired a photograph I have taken with a poem (mine or others). Recently, I collaborated with a visual-artist-friend to create our broadside, “Tonewood.” Scroll down to view a sampling of broadsides created over the past few years.
“Deep in The Grotto.” Portland, Oregon — Poem & Photo: Michelle Doege
“Light in stone stairwell,” Assisi, Italy — Poem & Photo: Michelle Doege
“Hildegard’s Mandala” – Pilgrimage Church of St. Hildegard, Rüdesheim, Germany — Poem & Photo: Michelle Doege
“Still waters.” Salt Spring Island, British Columbia — Poem & Photo: Michelle Doege
book (n.) a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together. (1)
art (n.) creative skill and imagination, producing works for their beauty or emotional power. (2)
After my father died, I was propelled to write a story about his life in the community where he lived. In his trailer park, people looked out for one another, baked and delivered cookies, and helped each other under the hood. So I wrote, and I printed, and I shared my story with a few friends. Prompted by my wife a few years later, I designed a cover, transferred text to book format, and printed numerous copies. Over the second Christmas without my dad, I stitched together this story, these chapbooks, and sent copies to close family and friends.
This instinctive process was the road to my healing and my door into the world of book arts. During my MFA at Augsburg College, I also had the opportunity to take a book making class with Regula Russelle, a visionary and revolutionary in the field of book arts. I am also fortunate to have connections to the Minnesota Centre for Book Arts, in my original home state.
(1) The Canadian Oxford Dictionary
(2) English Oxford Living Dictionary (online)
(3) English Oxford Living Dictionary (online)